News and Announcements

Takeaways From the First Student-Led Model US Constitutional Convention
Of course, the Framers did not adopt Jefferson’s constitutional sunsetting approach, but they did allow for amendments that could enable new generations of citizens to imprint their new ideas and

The next wave’s amendments: Which ones will make it to ratification?
So which proposals might prevail? The factors that will determine the survivor amendments are numerous and ever-changing. However, for any amendment to reach the ratification goal line, it must address

Center’s Executive Director Speaks to PBS Horizon about the Model Constitutional Convention
Students will serve as state delegates (two from each state), engaging in debates and drafting constitutional amendments. This unique opportunity allows participants to immerse themselves in the legislative process, gaining

ASU hosts first student-led Model Constitutional Convention
Students from across the country converged on ASU’s Downtown Phoenix campus to demonstrate what collaboration and compromise can look like. After three days of deliberation and debate, the delegates passed four amendments.

ASU interview’s Executive Director of Center for Constitutional Design for Explanation of Trump Trial

Director of ASU’s Center for Constitutional Design Analyzes Trump Indictment

Sri Lankan Parliament’s constitutional conversation around scope of their executive
On Friday October 21st, Sri Lankan Parliament passed the nations 22nd constitutional amendment narrowing the scope of presidential powers. The Amendment also prohibits foreign nationals or dual citizens from running

Voters Reject Proposed Chilean Constitution
In one of the most recent and significant constitutional plebiscites, the Chilean people have rejected changes to their national constitution that would have created the greatest expansion of rights seen in a modern constitution. Center Fellows Zachary Elkins and Tom Ginsburg provided comments for The New York Times.

Just Add Water: Hydrating Human Rights in the Desert of Inequality
Center Fellow and ASU Law Professor Rhett Larson spoke at BYU’s Kennedy Center for International Studies about the underappreciated connection between water rights and inequality.

The autonomy and independence of the TEPJF must prevail in favor of democracy: specialists in national and international electoral matters (April 2022)
Executive Director Stefanie Lindquist testified before Mexico’s Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary on the need for clarity and finality in the resolution of election disputes.